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Patient Age : 70 years old
Date : 06-12-2013
A successful treatment of ovarian adenocarcinom Patient Review:
As per her family member, she got severe abdomen pain, and they took her to Dr. Deepti Wahal M.S center in Bikaner. And she advised for a check-up and found a mass in the uterus measuring 77X44 mm seen in the left adnexal region. They have taken an FNAC report, which shows adenocarcinoma. So 27 Jun., she was diagnosed as a cancer patient.
They took her to our oncologist by the name of Dr. S.Dharniya he again made a USG abdomen while found the tumor size was 5.6X5.2 cm, and again the Dr.made an FNAC report and found the same adenocarcinoma. She investigated for CA12.5 and found less than the cancer limit. As the Doctor was not satisfied by the result so the realized for USG abdomen in that found and tumor of 7X4 cm there is enhancement seen in mass just in one day.
Is it possible, but what to say people really on medical parameter..?. She again went to Dr.Deepti Wahal in the month of 8 Aug. 2011 and again advised for USG abdomen, and on 8 Oct. it was done and found 76x44 tumor size as it was diagnosed house on 27 Jun. She started some meld medicine and again went for USG abdomen on 09.09.2011 and found 76x42, but CA-125 was increased. During this period, the son of this lady of finely went to go Guru Ramdas Ji in Sujandesar. He advised us not to go anywhere, and he has given our address. Our Doctor visited her and advised treatment as mention below:-
Cap. Onuz -20 Tab-Perinorm Tab-Ondoc 8 mg = 1 tab each time before giving Dr.Thankis Tumcan capsule. Cap-Dr.Thankis Tumcan Capsules-12 Capsules 3 times and day. Tab-Kachnar Gugul- 3 ina day. Dr.Thankis Liver can Powder 1/2 thrice a day.
After our Doctor's treatment on 18 Oct. 2011, we again went to USG abdomen and found 87x50 means some more significant size, but CA-125 came to 1.1 level. Again on 6.04.12, USG abdomen was done and found 6.9x5.36 cm reduced. Finally, on 28.06.2012, went for USG abdomen shows no evidence of any mass. Conclusion our treatment started on 16.09.2011 and ended on 28.06.2012 and proven by medical pathology and scanning that there is no evidence of mass and CA-125 cone to 3 only which shows no evidence of tumor or can on the tumor.
Select:- Medical science can trace the tumor by adopting biopsy or FNAC of mass now there is no mass on 28.06.2012 so how they can go for check .some last week by some another patient knows that she is pleasing in everyday life to stay on earth.