Patient categories
- 1 kidney by birth (5)
- Abnormalities In Uterus Bi Coronative Uterus (2)
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- CRF (55)
- Cystic & Fibrotic Uterus (4)
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- Gall Bladder Stone (6)
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- Hernia (1)
- High Cholestrol (2)
- High Level of Uric Acid (12)
- HIV (AIDS) (3)
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Shivasish Bhattacharjee

Patient Age : 21 years old
Date : 19-11-2017
Shivasish Bhattacharjee-21yrs CKD CRF Treatment
Patient Reviews:
My name is Bijan Bhattacharya residing Howrah West Bengal s/o Late Mihir Kumar Bhattacharjee I am 52 yrs old. I am the only son of my father, my father was a smoker, but he left after diagnosing chest cancer. At the age of 85, he died of a heart stroke we could not pick him to hospital.
I have two children, one son and one daughter, my wife; aged 45 years is good. My son is age 21yrs, and my daughter age is 12yrs. My son, whose name is Shivashish Bhattacharjee, is having a kidney problem.
When he was only 10month old, he got fever we showed him to so many Dr Still, the madness did not relax so we took him to Dr Chatterjee he investigated and found an infection in the right kidney. He advised removing the right kidney as it may damage the left kidney. We shocked but to save another kidney we removed it. After that, my son was spending his life appropriately as normal children.
He was an average student in his school and he usually playing sports. He never felt any problem, and even though we forgot he has one kidney. All of a sudden in 2016 he felt a pain like epilepsy, we took him to Neurologist he said this couldn't happen in this age, but the same occurred again and again.
Hence, we took him to Calcutta medical research institute they admitted him. The investigation found that Blood Urea was too high, and S creatinine was also very high the made four dialyses and after ten days, they relieved after making a fistula on hand. After seven days he again got fever we again took him to the same hospital they also done two dialyses after eight days they relieved him. As per there advice, we were getting two dialyses every week.
One day I saw on internet about Dr Raj Kumar Kochar of Vishla Agrotech Pvt ltd we saw his website and came to know that he already treated so many kidney patients whose reports and reviews were on site. I immediately contacted him to speak in Bengali to explain my son's condition; he quickly sends some medicine. We took some liquids bottle of Arq as he suggested buying from the market we mixed it and started giving treatment with that anupan and followed his instructions.
The volume of urine increased and the duration of dialysis increased, and now we are going for dialysis after ten days. In September he felt coughing I showed him to Nephrologist in Kolkata he made a chest X-ray and doubt of tumour as my father had chest cancer, so feared me. Dr Kochar insisting on showing my son to him, so I took him to Bikaner on 15 November we came by flight to Bikaner via Delhi we reached at 7 pm just going Dr Kochar sent my son to done C T Scan of the chest where no tumour found only some chest was congested of cough and bronchitis patches. I was happy to listen; there is no tumour at all.
Note: In December 2014 my son's right feet became banded I showed so many Dr, but nobody finds a solution than a Dr name Dr Chowdhury detected loss of Vitamin D3 it was supposed to be nil prescribed some tablets. Within 2 to 3 month, his right leg becomes banded.
That night of 15 November we take rest and on 16th Dr Kochar advised to note down some parameter for 24hrs we started at 1 pm as his BP was high. Still, no Dr suggested any medicine for it. Dr Kochar started Tab Nicardia .5mg and one tab Arkamin together the miracle started controlled his bp for 24hr and urine passed much than he took water intake. As we already booked our return ticket, it was my mistake as the uric acid yet not controlled, and Dr Kochar said till the uric acid will not maintain Blood urea level will not decrease so s creatinine will not less.
It is a matter of thinking one kidney is removed, and another kidney is not working, but my son drink three ltr water and excrete 3 Ltr urine it means we have to faith that the medicine Dr Thanki Kidney Care cap is working as the kidney.
I want to request the reader of my son review to meet your patient once to Dr Kochar. We met after 36 dialyses and started medicine though Dr Kochar saw my son now after 5month and 17 days he took his medication as telephonic advice. I must say he is only the Dr who can treat a kidney failure patient well without seeing a patient only by seeing reports and weight.
God Bless My Son.
Dated 17.7.17 Bijan Bhattacharjee