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Pramod Kashyap

Patient Age : 41 years old
Date : 15-09-2015
Patient Detail
Name | Age | Address |
Pramod Kashyap | 41 | Baghpat, U.P. India |
Disease Description:- Both Kidney Function Lost with hydronephrosis in right Kidney. And Stone in pelvis 1.04 Cm.
Treatment Given:-
Dr. Thanki's Kidney Care Capsule:- 4cap×3times in a day with "Anupan"
rest all medicines as he was taking before.
Treatment Started From 15 September 2015.
PRAMOD KASHYAP-41yrs-Kidney Failure Patient Review
#My Name is Kamal Kumar Kashyap Aged 18 Years S/o. Sri Pramod Kumar Kashyap reside Village Bawali Tahsil Baraut Dist. Bagpat.
Before Six Month Back My father was sleeping at Home in afternoon all of the sudden he felt some swelling in stomach in right abdomen.
Next day without delay i took him to Baraut Astha Hospital Where Dr. Chikara who take some investigation and found stones in kidney and some watery fluid (ASICITES) was present he advised to go to Meerut immediate in Meerut we went to a private practitioner and that Dr. Started treatment after 4 Days of his treatment he advised to go to home. just after 3 Days my father's condition become crucial and i took him to Stephen Hospital Delhi. They admitted my father and given 10 dialysis cycles within 15 Days.
Again i took my Father to home during that period i done 2 Dialysis in Astha Hospital Baraut by that my father condition become stable and he felt some wellness. The Dr. of stephen Hospital Delhi has advised to go for dialysis twice a week and that is only treat ment of my father he suggested.
During this period no any Dr. has treated my father's kidney stone problem even i repeatedly ask why the kidney was damaged but did not give proper reply. So i again took my father to Dr. of Meerut as procedure and cost of dialysis was unbearable the Dr. again started some medicine to my father but during that period my father feel weakness and mild pain in stomach and other parts of body. All of a sudden i met with a boy name Sikander who gave phone no. of VISHLA AGRO TECH PVT. LTD. , BIKANER and Suggested to Visit there.
I immediately took appointment with their Dr's and took my father to there. The Dr. of Vishla Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd. has done some blood test and USG Abdomen after those reports the Doctor showed us also and said due to kidney stone both kidneys have damaged. the Dr. of Vishla Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd. also saw the old report we have and said if there had a treatment of kidney stone previously when diagnosed than both kidney can be Saved and will not damaged as today. He Advised some Medicines and Given their researched product Dr. Thanki's KIdney Care Capsule For 25 Days and told us to come back after 25 days . During those 25 Days my father was felling better there was removal of weakness and pain and did not required dialysis. i came back with latest reports done at Baraut. I again took medicine for 25 days and came back to Village this time i went alone. on 48 Days after starting of treatment i took my father to Vishla Agro Tech Bikaner again the Dr. done Some Blood tests and USG Abdomen. The Kidney Stone Size was same as before but During that 48 Days my Father did not required dialysis neither the creatinin level was increased. My Father felt fit and fine without pain and weakness.
As per instruction of Dr. of Vishla Agro Tech pvt ltd on starting week we have given 1000ml (1LTR.) of Water every day than gradually increased 50ml per day and now my father is talking 2 ltr 500 ml his input of water and output by Urine is same there is no increase in weight. No swelling any where found in Body.
As i was instructed strutted by Dr. of Stephen Hospital that once dialysis starts it can't be stopped and after some time you have to transplant kidney. i was very afraid because dialysis is a very costly process and in kidney transplant it require a huge amount which like me a labor can't manage.
i am very much obliged by Sikandar Who gave us mobile No. of Vishla Agro Tech pvt ltd.
After getting treatment from this company my father never gone for dialysis previously he already done around 30 dialysis.
Gradually the supportive Medicine become also decreased.
During Last 3 Months there was acute cold so i couldn't took my father to Bikaner to show Dr. But i Regularly took medicine for my father time to time.
And Now Father in going on his job regularly as before 7 month.
I could not understand yet whether the medicine researched by Vishla Agro Tech pvt ltd. is working as kidney or forming a new kidney. But it is Fact my Father is fit & fine no body can say by seeing his physic that he is a patient of such crucial renal failure disease.
Today on 08/03/2016 I am writing this Review and experience of my father treatment by own HAND WRITING.
I am Requesting the reader of my review that as per instructions of Dr.'s of Vishla Agro Tech pvt ltd if we give medicine properly and timely and also follow diet chart than any renal failure patient who even done dialysis for 30 times may stop dialysis and also could be save from kidney transplant.
It is found that after getting some relax the patient did not follow instructions properly did not take medicine regular also did not follow diet chart, talking some intoxication as alcohol like that this not good for the renal failure patient. The Dr.'s are convincing every aspect of this crucial disease properly as i took it seriously so now even after 7 months my father did not revived dialysis.
The reader of it either patient or any relative i am suggesting to come to VISHLA AGRO TECH PVT. LTD. so that can save from dialysis and kidney transplant.
To-day on 09/04/2016 I took my father to Bikaner before that i took medicine for 25 days. Now again Dr. has done some blood test and USG Abdomen : Found in report blood urea which was 148 now comes to 74 the S. creatinine also decreased in USG abdomen kidney stone become removed now the Dr. advised to less dose of Dr. Thanki's Stone Powder. During this period my father did not feel any problem today i took medicine for another 35 days . I wish share my opinion in future like this.
Thanks For Read My Opinion......................
My name is Mr. Pramod Kashyap s/o late Asharam aged 41 years of village Bawli tehsil Baraut dist. Bagpat. Around three months back in the afternoon I was sleeping I feel there is swelling on my right and left abdomen. Next day I visited to "Astha hospital" at Baraut where a general practitioner Dr. has started my treatment. He admitted me to hospital and after some investigation and some treatment at 4th day he advised me to go to home back. I came back to home and just after three days my condition was serious. Than I went to Delhi there I visited to Dr. Stephen hospital where they insisted me to get admitted. During 15 day they had done 10 dialysis along with some medicines. I got some relief but not full or too much so I felt because Baraut Dr. done 2 dialysis in four days total 12 dialysis was done but result was in vein. From there I came back to home and second day I went to Merrut again shown the another Dr. who started medicines. Nobody concentrated over my kidney stone. I was feeling with mild pain and weakness.
One of my neighbor at village told about Vishla agro tech pvt. Ltd. Bikaner (Rajasthan). I immediately contacted there and came to Bikaner next day.
The dr. of vishla agro tech pvt. Ltd. Has done USG abdomen and some essential and reports and then send me to go to village and advised me to come back after 25 days. But I did not went to Bikaner personally and send my relative to get medicine and they give medicine for 25 days again. they suggested to come positively to Bikaner on 48th day I came again to Bikaner where they done again USG abdomen and some blood reports.
In the size of stone there was not any changes but my creatinine level did not increased but the weakness and abdominal pain was gone away.
As their advice I started to take 2.5 liter water which drain out by urine. No any symptom of weight gain. no swelling found on leg or face. During their 48 days I did not require dialysis.
As per USG abdomen my both kidneys are failed but after taking this medicine Dr. Thanki"s kidney care capsule I don’t require to go for dialysis.
Today on 5-11-15 the Dr. has given me the medicine for another 40 days and and ask me to come back on 38th day. As i was heard that once dialysis starts the patient has to go for dialysis for regularly but by the grace of the god neither I feel weakness because Hb level is constant no increment in the level of s. creatinine and I feel strong stamina.