Nilam Kanwar Chohan

Nilam Kanwar Chohan
Story Title : NILAM KANWAR CHOHAN-28yrs-Brain Tumor
Patient Age : 28 years old
Date : 11-10-2017

NILAM KANWAR CHOHAN-28yrs-Brain Tumor Patient Review

The patient Nilam Kanwar's father, Mr. Kamal Kumar, came to us on 11.10.2017 as they got our number address from google. He came from Dungarpur, some700km from here. He explained the first time she reached the headache and dizziness in June 2017 at his house; then he took her to the hospital. They advised her to go to Ahmedabad; they took her there and admitted them to a private hospital. 

After investigation, they found some tumors in the brain. They advised for the operation to remove it was costly and risky, so they don't do so. Then took her to a known Dr who gave them some medicine, but after three months again, the symptoms arose when he came to know us and came here.

He took medicine for 45 days WITH STRICTLY FOLLOW DIET CHART.
I asked to talk over mobile from their native place.

Patient Reports

nilam aadhar card

nilam bhamasah










