Patient categories
- 1 kidney by birth (5)
- Abnormalities In Uterus Bi Coronative Uterus (2)
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- Anal Cancer (2)
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- Cancer (78)
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- Chronicle Disease (87)
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- CRF (55)
- Cystic & Fibrotic Uterus (4)
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- High Cholestrol (2)
- High Level of Uric Acid (12)
- HIV (AIDS) (3)
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- Infertility and Azospermia Low Sperms (2)
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- Kidney Cancer (4)
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- PKD (44)
- Prostate (15)
- Prostate Cancer (1)
- R A Positive (1)
- Rectum Cancer (1)
- Renal Failure (81)
- Retention of Urine (2)
- Sarcodoisis (0)
- Scortum Cancer (1)
- Sinus (1)
- Skin Disease (1)
- Skin Psorasis (1)
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- Splenomegaly (1)
- Supraglottic Carcinoma (1)
- Tachycardia (2)
- Testicular Cancer (1)
- Thyroglossal Cyst (1)
- Thyroid (4)
- Tongue Cancer (7)
- Transplanted Kidney Case (1)
- Uncategorized (56)
- Urinary Bladder (4)
- Urinary Bladder Cancer (3)
- Urinary Passage Structure (1)
- Urinary Tract Strature (1)
- Vericose Vein (1)
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Neema Charnda

Story Title : NEEMA CHANDRA (Breast Cancer) Age - 34yr
Patient Age : 34 years old
Date : 24-09-2013
Patient Age : 34 years old
Date : 24-09-2013
English translation of Mrs. Neema Chandra letter Breast Cancer Dataset
I Neema Chandra, aged 29, residing at Bilaspur (C.G.). About two years back nearby Deepawali Festival, I feel itching in a nearby area of the nipples of my breast. Also, I felt the difference in both breast's size, but after four months, it cured without treatment after that this condition I faced three times again.
After some days, I felt a tumor in my breast, and the size was increasing day by day; after some days, I felt pain in that tumor. I went to so many doctors who advised me to operate on the breast to remove cancer.
The Drs. advised me that after removing the tumor, they will send it to Mumbai for biopsy to check cancer quality. As I already heard about a breast cancer patient and nobody saved.
As I am too young and I have small kids, I did not agree to an operation either for any test as Drs advised. I recommended by my one brother in law named Guddu Chandra about Dr. Rajendra Kumar Chaturvedi, who is destroying a superficial or cancer tumor with some medicines without operation.
My husband is ASI in Railway Police Force, so I went to Dr. Rajendra Kumar Chaturvedi the next day. It was the 12th in April 2011. I told my problems to Dr. Rajendra Chaturvedi. He suggests some blood tests by which it may clear whether I got a superficial tumor or cancer tumor.
I agreed as these tests were supposed to tests without touching my breast. I have given my blood samples to a laboratory that sent them to Mumbai for the check, and finally, I declared a Breast Cancer patient. Dr. Rajendra Kumar Chaturvedi advised me to take Dr. Thanki's Tum - Can capsule 12 per day for 25 days and follow the diet chart. I followed the diet chart strictly, and my husband has taken packaged drinking water, sea salt, fruits, etc., so that I may Follow a 100% diet chart.
After a third of in-taking this medicine, I felt severe pain in my breast. I complained about it, Dr. Chaturvedi, but he said it is a good sign. He advised me to check my breast by myself only. On the 7th day, I found a decrement in tumor size, and there was no pain nor itching. I felt decrement of the tumor day by day. On the 14th day, the tumor was disappeared.
On the 21st day of in-taking medicine, my husband went for some official work to the I.G. of R P Force; in conversation, my husband spoke about my problem I.G. was shocked and advised to go Tata Memorial, Mumbai for further investigation. I went with my husband to Tata Memorial for a check-up after taking medicines for 23 days, only I did not speak about our departure to Mumbai.
In Tata, Memorial Drs advised for a check-up, and they checked around three parameters and declared there is no existence of any tumor neither any cancer cell in my breast. My husband and I.G. were amazed after seeing those reports; then I went to Dr. Chaturvedi and showed him my Reports; he said I had cancer in the 1st stage. Hence, this medicine is entirely possible but suggested taking another 50 days to get any hidden cancer cell in my body.
After that, I again went to Dr. Chaturvedi, who advised me to take five leaves of Neem or anyone capsule of Neem per day. I also suggested taking papaya as medicine to prevent it in the future. He especially advised taking less milk and milk products and the food grains if possible without pesticide. I am following his instructions, and now I am quite fit to update.
Address -> Nema Chandra w/o R.S. Chandra,
Rly. Q. no. 1354/4,
Thana, Tokha Bilaspur, (C.G.),
NEEMA CHANDRA (Breast Cancer) Treatment Review & Reports