Patient categories
- 1 kidney by birth (5)
- Abnormalities In Uterus Bi Coronative Uterus (2)
- Acidity (3)
- Anal Cancer (2)
- Anal Tumor (0)
- Arthirtis (10)
- Asthma (0)
- Bilaspur (2)
- Blood Cancer (1)
- Blood Sugar (4)
- Bone Problem (5)
- Brain Cancer (6)
- Brain Tumor (9)
- Brain Tumor (Cancer) (9)
- Breast Cancer (7)
- C O P D (1)
- Cancer (78)
- Cardiac Asthma (0)
- Chest Cancer (1)
- Cholelithiasis (3)
- Chronicle Disease (87)
- CKD (83)
- Colon Cancer (1)
- CRF (55)
- Cystic & Fibrotic Uterus (4)
- Cystic Kidney (22)
- Diabetic (22)
- DVT (3)
- E-Coli (2)
- Eckzema (1)
- Emphysma (1)
- Enemia (0)
- Fistula (1)
- Fracture (1)
- Gall Bladder Cancer (8)
- Gall Bladder Stone (6)
- Gout (12)
- Gout & Arthirites (10)
- Harmonal Imbalance (4)
- Hazipur (3)
- Hearing Problem (2)
- Heart Disease (4)
- Hepatitis-B (3)
- Hepatitis-C (1)
- Hernia (1)
- High Cholestrol (2)
- High Level of Uric Acid (12)
- HIV (AIDS) (3)
- Hydronephrosis (5)
- Infertility (2)
- Infertility and Azospermia Low Sperms (2)
- Injury (1)
- Kidney Cancer (4)
- Kidney Failure (98)
- Kidney Stone (22)
- Larynx Cancer (6)
- Leucoria (9)
- Liver (14)
- Liver Cancer (4)
- Liver Disease (4)
- Liver Problem (4)
- Lung Cancer (4)
- Lung Cancer Metastatis (3)
- Lung Diesese (0)
- Miracleous (9)
- Mouth Cancer (13)
- Multiple Sclerosis (1)
- Naaru Bala (1)
- Neck Cancer (7)
- Nephropathy (12)
- Neuralgia (3)
- Neuropathy Ratenopathy in Diabetic (3)
- Obesity (2)
- Oesophagus Cancer (6)
- Oral Cancer (12)
- Ostearthritis (4)
- Ovarian Cancer (8)
- Parkinson (3)
- Piles (2)
- PKD (44)
- Prostate (15)
- Prostate Cancer (1)
- R A Positive (1)
- Rectum Cancer (1)
- Renal Failure (81)
- Retention of Urine (2)
- Sarcodoisis (0)
- Scortum Cancer (1)
- Sinus (1)
- Skin Disease (1)
- Skin Psorasis (1)
- Spleen (1)
- Splenomegaly (1)
- Supraglottic Carcinoma (1)
- Tachycardia (2)
- Testicular Cancer (1)
- Thyroglossal Cyst (1)
- Thyroid (4)
- Tongue Cancer (7)
- Transplanted Kidney Case (1)
- Uncategorized (56)
- Urinary Bladder (4)
- Urinary Bladder Cancer (3)
- Urinary Passage Structure (1)
- Urinary Tract Strature (1)
- Vericose Vein (1)
- Weight Loss (1)
- More Patient Categories
Muni Ram Godra

Patient Age : 55 years old
Date : 11-12-2013
MUNI RAM GODARA-55yrs- gall bladder stone Treatment
Reviews of “Munni Ram Godara”
This patient has already had a heart operation of the valve, so the medical doctor did not accept giving treatment for gall bladder contracted. They also denied operating the gall bladder, so he came to us. We have seen all reports and decided to give him medicine on 28.04.2013 our doctor suggested to take medicine as mentioned below:-
Cap.-Cytozane – 1-1-1 (Ayurvedic Cap. Made by Charak Sahinta)
Dr.Thankis Liver care powder: - ½ tsp mix with water and lit it to settle in the night and take early morning empty stomach.
Suppose a pain in the stomach is advised for ½ tsp—Kaulanji seed (Onion seed)with water.
Tab. A Nkamin-1/2 tab while going to bed.
Dr. Thanki's stone powder:- As mentioned in leaf
After seven days given:-
Syp. Sorbiline -2 tsp three times a day
On 3.07.2013, sonography shows gall bladder appears normal and the gall stone visualized as measuring 4.2mm.
Palace:-Bikaner -: From:-
Date:- 13.10.2014 Munni Ram Godara