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Jugal Kishor

Patient Age : 65 years old
Date : 28-01-2018
Jugal kishor jajra- 65yrs Metastatic oral Throat cancer Patient Review
Patient Reviews: My name is Surendra Jajra s/o Shri Jugal Kishor Jajra. We are four kids of him. I am writing about my father's problem with cancer.
He has first detected cancer in the throat we take chemo and radiation by Dr sultan Ahmed in Mumbai after that he was alright till 2017 with every day and healthy life.
In July 2017 he again got pain in the throat, we took him to Dr Balawat of Jupiter hospital thane there the Dr has also given ten cycles of radiation, but his condition becomes more crucial. He stopped taking food as the cough and coryza started very critical after that as he was unable to bring food, so we saw his Hb was less than four. We immediately took him to hospital three-unit blood transfused than he became survive, but the problem was the same. After getting nervous, we came to dr raj Kumar Kochar clinic after starting his medicine he relaxed.
My father has one brother and one sister, and they are well OK with health. My grandfather died of a heart attack, and my grandmother killed after throat cancer.
Now in the investigation, all parameters were OK except CA 19.9 is some increased. On 24th January 2018, my fathers 41 marriage anniversary was to celebrate with a big bang. Still, my father's condition was not right he can't walk properly as suffering from a lot of weakness during that period I went with my father in law to my maternal father to invite him to celebrate the ceremony. As I was in tension mood for my father's illness, I was quite sitting; he asked me what happened and delivered my father's problem.
Without delay, he appointed a compounder and advised some injection and advised for some test. As the compounder given on 22nd and 23rd, we found miracle changes in fathers health and with a joyfully he attended the function my father was pleased.
Two days later I took my father to Dr Raj Kumar Kochar clinic here he saw, and my father explained his main problem was coryza, and he could not eat properly there was a pain in the throat. As he complains that while taking anything in swallowing there is acute pain throat the Dr started Dr thank I tum can capsule twelve capsules a day as the body was around 100kg. Also, some blood medicine increased by about 25% he relaxed within two days.
Today on 29.1.18 the Dr gave two tab stemin at a time and asked him to take some spicy junk food my father swallowed, but something felt burning sensation, but Dr said as it was after six months, so he thought so from today onwards he advised to take solid foods as he was taking six months back.
Still, the dr did not advise to give lemon water with salt my father sleep well in the night, and he awakens very rarely in the night for cough and coryza. Dr advised to take a course of stemin, and I will write more experience in future.
Today 1st February I again took my father to Dr Kochar. Now my father can take food easily his blood pressure oxygen level, and heart rate is within standard limit now the only problem of coryza in the night, and at that time he felt pain in the throat, but it is not acute. Dr changed some medicine for the night and assured the problem would over.
Patient Review
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