Patient categories
- 1 kidney by birth (5)
- Abnormalities In Uterus Bi Coronative Uterus (2)
- Acidity (3)
- Anal Cancer (2)
- Anal Tumor (0)
- Arthirtis (10)
- Asthma (0)
- Bilaspur (2)
- Blood Cancer (1)
- Blood Sugar (4)
- Bone Problem (5)
- Brain Cancer (6)
- Brain Tumor (9)
- Brain Tumor (Cancer) (9)
- Breast Cancer (7)
- C O P D (1)
- Cancer (78)
- Cardiac Asthma (0)
- Chest Cancer (1)
- Cholelithiasis (3)
- Chronicle Disease (87)
- CKD (83)
- Colon Cancer (1)
- CRF (55)
- Cystic & Fibrotic Uterus (4)
- Cystic Kidney (22)
- Diabetic (22)
- DVT (3)
- E-Coli (2)
- Eckzema (1)
- Emphysma (1)
- Enemia (0)
- Fistula (1)
- Fracture (1)
- Gall Bladder Cancer (8)
- Gall Bladder Stone (6)
- Gout (12)
- Gout & Arthirites (10)
- Harmonal Imbalance (4)
- Hazipur (3)
- Hearing Problem (2)
- Heart Disease (4)
- Hepatitis-B (3)
- Hepatitis-C (1)
- Hernia (1)
- High Cholestrol (2)
- High Level of Uric Acid (12)
- HIV (AIDS) (3)
- Hydronephrosis (5)
- Infertility (2)
- Infertility and Azospermia Low Sperms (2)
- Injury (1)
- Kidney Cancer (4)
- Kidney Failure (98)
- Kidney Stone (22)
- Larynx Cancer (6)
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- Mouth Cancer (13)
- Multiple Sclerosis (1)
- Naaru Bala (1)
- Neck Cancer (7)
- Nephropathy (12)
- Neuralgia (3)
- Neuropathy Ratenopathy in Diabetic (3)
- Obesity (2)
- Oesophagus Cancer (6)
- Oral Cancer (12)
- Ostearthritis (4)
- Ovarian Cancer (8)
- Parkinson (3)
- Piles (2)
- PKD (44)
- Prostate (15)
- Prostate Cancer (1)
- R A Positive (1)
- Rectum Cancer (1)
- Renal Failure (81)
- Retention of Urine (2)
- Sarcodoisis (0)
- Scortum Cancer (1)
- Sinus (1)
- Skin Disease (1)
- Skin Psorasis (1)
- Spleen (1)
- Splenomegaly (1)
- Supraglottic Carcinoma (1)
- Tachycardia (2)
- Testicular Cancer (1)
- Thyroglossal Cyst (1)
- Thyroid (4)
- Tongue Cancer (7)
- Transplanted Kidney Case (1)
- Uncategorized (56)
- Urinary Bladder (4)
- Urinary Bladder Cancer (3)
- Urinary Passage Structure (1)
- Urinary Tract Strature (1)
- Vericose Vein (1)
- Weight Loss (1)
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Hemant Prajapati

Patient Age : 24 years old
Date : 18-05-2018
Urinary Bladder Cancer Patient Review
My name is Hemant prajapati S/O late Shri Jagdish Prasad Prajapati my age is 24 years residing in Datiya M P.
When I was 17 years old, I got severe pain in the back of the stomach and the urinary bladder.
My father took me to Dr. Saraf; He investigated and, by laser therapy, found a cyst tumor in my bladder; he operated on Cancer and was given four chemotherapy inside the bladder.
I was feeling well. 2015 in June, my father expired of Cancer in the tongue, and there was family tension there after his death. I felt the problem again in urination. The flow became significantly less; it was coming out very slow.
The urine flow was significantly less than I visited Gwalior for Dr. Neeraj Gupta. He investigated the tube of urine and found structure in the urine tube.
He advised me to go to Pune endocrinologist hospital where Dr operate only the tube of urine passage. He again investigated and said the tumor also formed. He gave medicine, and by laser therapy, he removed Cancer.
He advised me to examine after every three months, I investigated three times, but Cancer not found at any time. When he was inserting the pipe to investigate, the urine passage becomes more significant, and the urine flow becomes normal for the time being.
After three investigations, I did not go there again, and one year passed, but in December 2017, I felt many problems as the structure increased.
I was feeling more difficulty in urination, and at the same time, my elder brother's marriage was there, and I felt much more problem.
In April 2018, I searched on the internet about the treatment of urine tube structure in Ayurveda. I found dr Raj Kumar Kochar of Vishla Agro Tech Pvt Ltd. He told me that 100% of treatment is available for this problem.
On 13 May 2018, we came to Bikaner, and as we did not carry old reports with us. So Dr. R k Kochar investigated some blood parameters and found some positive cancer markers to understand the urine tube structure. Still, Dr explained it was the rapture of soft tissue.
He said by the EECP machine; the urine passage structure might cure. And there is a chance of making a new passage parallel as the EECP machine open co lateral passage. He also gave me Dr. Thanki tum to use a capsule, an anti-tumor and anti-cancer medicine, as 12 capsules per day as my body weight is more than 60 kg.
He gave me 1 hr sitting of EECP for six times means 6 hrs my urine flow increased, and this machine is a miracle machine. Dr gave us medicine for 45 days and ask to come; after that, he asked us to go back as what he expected was done. Now advised some yoga I feel too better to a day on 17.05.2018 we are going to Gwalior.
17.05.2018 signed by
Hemant Prajapati
Note: EECP machine is non-invasive and a miracle machine I have ever seen based on naturopathy.
My name is Hemant Prajapati, aged 24 yrs residing at Datia M p I was suffering from the structure in urine passage, and due to that was feeling trouble when urination.
At present, my treatment is going on by Dr. RAJ KUMAR KOCHAR OF vishla agrotech Pvt ltd Bikaner. I came on 14.5.18 when the investigation did found the stone in the kidney. The structure in urine passage and tumor marker report was 5.2. Hereafter, taking Dr. Thanki TUM Can capsule 12 in a day divided into three-part and using EECP machine, my tumor marker reduced to 4.9 previously uric acid was 5.7.
Serum creatinine was 1.2 Dr advised me to take medicine for 45 days. And ask me to come back after two months. After going from here, I took treatment for 45 days as my urine passed with a prolonged flow. One day all of a sudden, it's increased.
The stream of urine becomes good flow after urine output becomes less, but the flow was good.
I again on 25.7.18 came back to Bikaner here Dr advised for checkup blood and USG abdomen. Still, this time report was diffrent uric acid, which was 5,2 now reaching 8.4 serum creatinine, 1.2 now 1.39 Hb was 14.2 it is 12.4 lymphocytes, and 25 now goes to 30 CEA 4.9 reduced to 3.2 which is normal.
I am feeling 95% relief by taking medicine from here, and the structure was almost cured, in USG Abdomen found the stone in the upper uretic now, it's was removed from the right kidney. As found mild Hydronephrosis, Dr has given me tab Neeri 2 tab thrice a day.
Hemant Prajapati
Urinary Bladder Cancer Patient Reports