Patient categories
- 1 kidney by birth (5)
- Abnormalities In Uterus Bi Coronative Uterus (2)
- Acidity (3)
- Anal Cancer (2)
- Anal Tumor (0)
- Arthirtis (10)
- Asthma (0)
- Bilaspur (2)
- Blood Cancer (1)
- Blood Sugar (4)
- Bone Problem (5)
- Brain Cancer (6)
- Brain Tumor (9)
- Brain Tumor (Cancer) (9)
- Breast Cancer (7)
- C O P D (1)
- Cancer (78)
- Cardiac Asthma (0)
- Chest Cancer (1)
- Cholelithiasis (3)
- Chronicle Disease (87)
- CKD (83)
- Colon Cancer (1)
- CRF (55)
- Cystic & Fibrotic Uterus (4)
- Cystic Kidney (22)
- Diabetic (22)
- DVT (3)
- E-Coli (2)
- Eckzema (1)
- Emphysma (1)
- Enemia (0)
- Fistula (1)
- Fracture (1)
- Gall Bladder Cancer (8)
- Gall Bladder Stone (6)
- Gout (12)
- Gout & Arthirites (10)
- Harmonal Imbalance (4)
- Hazipur (3)
- Hearing Problem (2)
- Heart Disease (4)
- Hepatitis-B (3)
- Hepatitis-C (1)
- Hernia (1)
- High Cholestrol (2)
- High Level of Uric Acid (12)
- HIV (AIDS) (3)
- Hydronephrosis (5)
- Infertility (2)
- Infertility and Azospermia Low Sperms (2)
- Injury (1)
- Kidney Cancer (4)
- Kidney Failure (98)
- Kidney Stone (22)
- Larynx Cancer (6)
- Leucoria (9)
- Liver (14)
- Liver Cancer (4)
- Liver Disease (4)
- Liver Problem (4)
- Lung Cancer (4)
- Lung Cancer Metastatis (3)
- Lung Diesese (0)
- Miracleous (9)
- Mouth Cancer (13)
- Multiple Sclerosis (1)
- Naaru Bala (1)
- Neck Cancer (7)
- Nephropathy (12)
- Neuralgia (3)
- Neuropathy Ratenopathy in Diabetic (3)
- Obesity (2)
- Oesophagus Cancer (6)
- Oral Cancer (12)
- Ostearthritis (4)
- Ovarian Cancer (8)
- Parkinson (3)
- Piles (2)
- PKD (44)
- Prostate (15)
- Prostate Cancer (1)
- R A Positive (1)
- Rectum Cancer (1)
- Renal Failure (81)
- Retention of Urine (2)
- Sarcodoisis (0)
- Scortum Cancer (1)
- Sinus (1)
- Skin Disease (1)
- Skin Psorasis (1)
- Spleen (1)
- Splenomegaly (1)
- Supraglottic Carcinoma (1)
- Tachycardia (2)
- Testicular Cancer (1)
- Thyroglossal Cyst (1)
- Thyroid (4)
- Tongue Cancer (7)
- Transplanted Kidney Case (1)
- Uncategorized (56)
- Urinary Bladder (4)
- Urinary Bladder Cancer (3)
- Urinary Passage Structure (1)
- Urinary Tract Strature (1)
- Vericose Vein (1)
- Weight Loss (1)
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Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma

Patient Age : 50 years old
Date : 16-08-2014
Patient Review:-
I am Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma s/o Babu ram Sharma from Delhi. I have diabetes for the last six years. After given doctor medicine, sugar level has come under control. One year ago my son "Gorav Sharma "age 15 years had dengue fever and because of dengue were quite rampant and caused the unsatisfactory situation. I have one son and two daughters without these people no relative in my family. Somehow my son was treated by doctor's of "Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi and free my son from dengue.
After this, my life has been going normal. I am working in "Siddharth Hotel in Delhi." I have a small family and income is limited, and we are living our life peacefully. After sometimes suddenly one day in the night almost at 4 am I doubt urination, so I went to the toilette, and after urination, my body filled with sweat. Then I remembered that I did not take medicine of B.P., so I have taken medication and go back to the bad for sleep.
Next day early at 8 am, we went to "Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital. Their doctors checked me, and after check-up, my B.P. level was 224/104. Then doctors gave me an injection and tested my E.C.G., and after this, they gave me another injection, and while B.P. level came 170/80 they discharged me, and we came back to home. After two days we contacted to doctor "Vikas Jain".
He tested my all reports again and gave me medicine for five days and called me after five days. in the reports he found out that my uric acid, urea and creatinine were on high level. So he advised me to go to a kidney specialist doctor. Then I met to kidney specialist doctor P.Agarwal, and he said that in this condition of your kidney may be gone for Dialysis.
Then I went to AIIMS hospital, and their doctor told me that" there is no medicine for a kidney in allopathic so Only by Dialysis life can be extended for some quite expensive time. The entire family to suffer in a city like Delhi. So I was not allowed to Dialysis.
During this period, I got information about "Vishla Agrotech (P) Ltd. Bikaner" from Vinod Jain who related to my laws. Although Mr Vinod also a kidney patient and have been through from the dialysis process and now without Dialysis his life going normal only by medicine. So we went to Bikaner on 05.08.2014 and met to doctor "Raj Kumar Kochar" at their office. So the doctor told me that "you have to take this medicine for two days and after go for a check-up. The medications were like below which given by a doctor of "Vishla Agrotech (P) Ltd.:-
- For Control Uric Acid: - Tab. Zyloric-300mg. (Take this every noon at 3 pm.)
In sonography reports kidney's size as standard, but walls found to deform, so the doctor advised me for come after 45 days. In my check comes in Delhi was increased potassium then Revlomer-400mg recommend to take three tablets daily by doctors But today is the third day, and I do not have a single tabulate of Revlomer-400mg. and I have no complaints of vomiting or live worry. And Potassium level was under control in blood report.