Dr Thanki Asthma Powder

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1 Pouch (100 g)

Note: Each time patient should take isabgol husk before taking Dr. Thankis Acidity capsule in the morning with empty stomach.
Note: if patients are suffering from acidity, then they should take 2 capsules of Dr.Thankis Acidity capsule in the morning with empty stomach.
Patient should take: light food.
Avoid: Curd, banana, sour, pickles, gud (sugar palm), oily, stale and spicy food.

  • Ingredients: Kantkari, Adusa, Bharangi, Somlata, Haldi, Tulsi, Giloy, Saunth, Mulethi, Jupha

    What is Asthma

    As we are living in a modern age where life is full of stressful and due to billions of automobile on the road leads to heavy pollution, people those habitat of smoking cigarettes are causing lung function weak.

    Second, after taking drugs, any side effect, allergies say dust cold and other type allergies hamper lung function. When the lung does not work correctly, the person fees problem in taking a breath. Some times when a person walks or climbing stairs feeling breathlessness, this called Asthma.

    Symptoms of Asthma:

    Sneezing cold breathlessness is a common symptom of Asthma.

    How to control Asthma:

    There are so many medicines for a caring Asthma attack on every path. In Allopath inhaler pumps, nebulizer, oxygen are the primary treatment of Asthma, but there is no cure by allopath . 

    Yes, there are medicines of diffrent herb combination which effect on Asthma. Even our manufactured Medicine Dr Thanki's Asthma Powder helps in lung problems if taken continue as advised by the physician.

    It works on below-mentioned disease:-

    1. Weak Lungs 
    2. Pneumonia
    3. C O P D
    4. I.L.D.
    5. Allergic Asthma
    6. Bronchitis
    7. Sinus
    8. Bronchial Asthma
    9. Weakness in Respiratory organ
    10. Cardiac Asthma
    11. Juvenile Asthma
    12. Child Asthma
    13. Skin Problem
    14. Eczema
    15. Skin Psoriasis 

    Causes of Asthma

    1. Weak Lungs
    2. Repeated Pneumonia in Childhood
    3. Excessive Smoking
    4. Tuberculosis
    5. Chest Infection
    6. Infection in the Lungs
    7. Acute Bronchitis
    8. Allergy Any Type
    9. The weakness of Respiratory organ

    Ayurvedic Medicine helps in Asthma / Cardiac Asthma:-

    When Asthma persists for a more extended period or if there is a blockage in the arteries of the heart of the patient, it is called cardiac Asthma. Since Asthma is due to cough, our Ayurveda medicine helps in this diseases. Our Medicine is useful in problems cough as well as cold and coryza, coughing ( with or without cough).

    Our Ayurvedic Medicine can care Asthma as well as Skin Disease:-

    In some patients, when Asthma heals, they suffer from eczema when eczema improves, they suffer Asthma. Our Medicine helps to treat both. Our Medicine consists of all-natural herbs and a unique herb called "Jupha" which can absorb excess cough from the human body and remove it out through the stool.

    Treatment of Asthma in Infant and Children:

    An infant baby suffers from pneumonia repeatedly; some physician gives our Medicine  only ¼ tsp of his Medicine mixed with honey and licking through tongue the cough gets removed out through stool, and the baby becomes get relief.

    We found an asthmatic problem in some children called "Child Asthma" for which allopathic doctors are prescribing some tablets, inhaler, and nebulizer, containing steroids that make bones weak if taken for a more extended period. 

    Researchers and some physian who treated this type of children by our medicine  given  for 90 days, continue as 3/4 tsp mix with honey and make a paste and lick through the tongue and swallow after breakfast and at bedtime that is twice a day. Then stop till Asthma attacks again, then again give this Medicine as suggested above for another 90 days and then stop. Our research shows that initially, the duration of the repetition of asthma attack increases, but gradually it is subsiding, and finally, the child is out of asthma problem . 

    Our Ayurvedic Medicine effect on Sinus Problem:-

    The allopathic drug is unable to cure sinus problems once it starts as cough reaches in the brain section, and hence white hair at a young age is seen. Loss of memory, and in some cases loss of vision, is also observed. If our Medicine is continuous in taking as prescribe general dose, even in chronic patients it helps.


    For Baby: ½ tsp mixed with honey twice a day

    For Adults: 3/4 tsp mixed with honey, make a paste and lick it twice a day after breakfast and bedtime.

    NOTE: In case of unavailability of honey, one can take the same dose of the Medicine with Luke warm water.

    Prepare cough syrup of our Ayurvedic Medicine:-

     4tsp of the medicine powder added in 250ml of water, heated to boil till gets reduced to20ml, cold, filter, and it into a glass bottle. It will work as the good cough syrup.

    Dosages of cough syrup: small children 2 Teaspoonful 3 times a day.

    Adults: 4 tsp a day thrice

    Instruction: Patients should wear socks at night while sleeping or cover the legs with a blanket.

    Treatment of Cardiac Asthma:-

     It is found in some Asthmatic patients while sitting or sleeping; they did not suffer from Asthmatic condition. Even in the acute winter season, they are not getting any problem or disease of Asthma while they are at home, but they are getting issues while they are climbing on stairs or walking for a long. These patients known as cardiac asthmatic patients for such type of patient, we prescribe our Dr Thanki's DVT Protector Add-on Vitalizer along with our Asthma powder medicine.

    Dr Thanki's Asthma Powder, as instructed above.


    Dr Thanki's DVT Protector Add On Vitalizer

    Take 1 tsp isabgol husk (psyllium husk) with fresh water. After 10minutes, take Dr.thanki's D.V.T. protector Add on Vitalizer 1 teaspoonful with clean water. This Medicine should take a day thrice.

    Note: if patients are suffering from acidity, then they should take two capsules of Dr.Thanki's Acidity capsule in the morning with an empty stomach

    The patient can take:-  Light food.

    The patient can't take:- Curd, banana, sour, pickles, gud (sugar palm), oily, stale, and spicy food.

    Active Ingredients

    • Adhatoda vesica
    • Ephedra Vulgaris
    • Curcuma longa
    • Ocimum sanctum
    • Zingiber Officinalis
    • Glycyrrhiza glabra
    • Carum copticum
    • Hyssopus officinalis
    • Tinospora cordifolia
    • Clerodendrum serratum
    •  Solanum xanthocarpum



    Management Of C O P D

    After a long period of bronchitis asthma, there might be C O P D in the lungs, which in Ayurveda says as screening of lungs. Modern science does not claim to get rid of, but we found that regular in taking of our supplement sufferer helps in lung C O P D.

    Even in I L D sufferers, it supports lung, and the sufferer can reduce harmful steroids.

    As it is well known to us that we are living in a pollution environment and pollution consist of some gases which are harm full, but our lungs have to intake and causes lung problem. Ayurveda Sastra says all skin problems and lung problems are due to cough.In Eczema it helps.By treatment of allopath  side effects found in such patients. 

    Even the style to look smart of having a cigarette in hand or habitual of smoke can also behave the lung problem.

     Note: The sufferer of lungs problem should avoid taking enema in any circumstances. He must take such food, which does not make constipation or any laxative.

    Disclaimer: the result may vary from person to person

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